Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year. With the change of weather, I find myself becoming more reflective, evaluating where I’ve been and planning forwhere I hope to be in my spiritual life for the coming year. In the month of October, we celebrate the feast day of one of the most beloved saints, St. Francis of Assisi, truly a role model for all of us.
St. Francis of Assisi is remembered as a holy and gentle loving man who stood for peace. He was in harmony with nature and is probably the most well-known animal lover in church history. For many of us, pets are cherished members of our families. As the proud parent of a geriatric dog, Sophia brings joy to my life. Whether I have been gone five minutes or ten hours, I am greeted with the same enthusiasm and joy. At age 15, Sophia’s hearing is failing, and her eyes have grown cloudy, but she still lets me know that I am loved.
I like to think God gave us pets to remind us of what unconditional love means. Whether you are a cat person, a dog person, someone who loves wild animals and birds, or someone who likes animals from a distance, October is the month for us to thank God for the gift of animals in our lives.
At Christ the Good Shepherd, we will be celebrating our pets during October in two ways. First, you are invited to bring a photo of your pets and place them on the bulletin board at the back of church. This is an opportunity for us to show off our pets and perhaps to share a story or two. Secondly, we will hold an animal blessing at church on Saturday October 14th at 11:00 am. If you are not able to bring your pet for the blessing, bring a photo and we will do the blessing from a distance.
May God bless you and your loved ones today, tomorrow, and forevermore.